Monday, January 9, 2023

Building a Home Based Business Lessons I Learned While Observing a Master Violinist

Takeaways from listening to world-renowned jazz violinist Karen Briggs that you can apply to your home-based business. If you change an idea or business by 10%, you can become a leader in your field. Exceed your customers' expectations and you will gain raving fans. A referral is the ultimate form of flattery. Take one or all of these lessons if you are starting or currently building a home-based business, implement them in your business.

Being a business expert is similar to being a well-paid artist. Surround yourself with talented and supportive people, and you will all achieve greater success.

Have you ever had a realization that your perception of something would never be the same again? That's exactly what happened to me when I went to BB Kings to hang out and listen to a violinist for an upcoming CD release.

Much to my surprise, I walked away with 5 lessons that I could use to advance my home-based business. Within seconds of world-renowned jazz violinist Karen Briggs (formerly of Yani) taking the stage, Tony Buzan's quote rang in my head.

"Whatever your field, strive for excellence in everything you do. Take advantage of every opportunity to observe people who exhibit mastery qualities."

Here are some takeaways I learned that you can apply to successfully launch a home-based business.

1. If you change an idea or business by 10%, you can become a leader in your field. Ms. Briggs is not the only violinist, but she is one of the first to be labeled a "Jazz Violinist." She took traditional classical music and gave it a jazz twist, making it her own. She made a fortune as a result of her actions. You have the same option. Find a work from home business you enjoy, add your own spin, and become an expert.

2. Exceed your customers' expectations and you will gain raving fans. The concert was supposed to last 90 minutes. Ms. Briggs' surprise 45-minute jam session, on the other hand, blew everyone away. When you underpromise and overdeliver, you will create raving fans who will spread the word about your company. A referral is the ultimate form of flattery. (By the way, I highly recommend seeing her).

3. It will appear effortless to others when you are operating in your unique gift. Ms. Briggs seemed to be one with her instrument. As a former violinist, I can attest that it is not an easy instrument to master if you lack the aptitude or attitude. When the talent or gift is innate, however, your presentation appears natural and effortless to others.

Most people spend their lives looking for the "magic bullet" that will make them wealthy. And the truth is, if you consider your gifts and talents, your million-dollar idea is innately a part of you. If you're not sure what it is, consider the things you do that appear simple to you but difficult to others. Your one-of-a-kind talent, combined with discipline and commitment, will be unstoppable. Unleash your talents and learn how to turn them into a lucrative work from home opportunity.

4. When you master your craft, people will pay for it, and you can set your own price. Being a business expert is similar to being a well-paid artist. People are willing to pay a higher price to gain access to specialized knowledge or skills.

5. Surround yourself with talented and supportive people, and you will all achieve greater success. Ms. Briggs was surrounded by a band, and with their help, her talents were highlighted even more. Nobody achieves success on their own. Make sure you have people supporting you in your business. Consider forming a Mastermind Group.

Take one or all of these lessons if you are starting or currently building a home-based business, implement them in your business, and watch it grow. I am always amazed at how lessons about success are all around us if we keep our minds open and our ears tuned in. These lessons, if followed, will be like music to your ears.

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